Saturday, June 15, 2013

DIY Tunic Experiment #2!

Apparently I can't get away from silky tunics this summer! The first experiment was the light blue, ribbon-tied tunic. Having a taste of tunic-making, when I stumbled across this tunic pattern by Anna Maria Horner, I couldn't resist trying it!
Looks easy, right??

If I'd done exactly that, it would've been really easy, I'm sure. Let's see!

I hunted through my stash for a scrap large enough to try this with. I almost gave up until I stumbled across the bottom scrap from the Purple Roses refashion!

Which started like this...
and ended like this! But what about that bottom half of the skirt?

So the leftover skirt is what I had to work with today!
but not this side!

It's a double-sided skirt! And I wanted the thinner, darker lining.

And I chopped them apart!

Then I picked out one of the seams so I had one long piece of material.
It was longer than I expected!

Now, I'd seen the tunic tutorial above on pinterest, and had sort of memorized it, but wasn't looking at it  while doing this . . . or I would have realized that it wasn't going to turn out the same way. Oh well! :D
I took that center seam and picked it open just in the middle, as a hole for my head.

And then it was time to put it on and pin it!
Safety pins make getting in and out of a garment you're fitting WAY easier . . . and less painful!

It was about this time that I realized my tunic would be funny-shaped, since my material was vaguely C-shaped. So I decided to gather it on one side!
We don't have a full length mirror . . . so this is me, standing on the toilet. Ya do whatcha gotta do.

I gathered both the front and the back on the same side.
See that flat bit?

Pinch and gather!

And then pin!

Once the gathering was pinned, it was time to finish my edges.
Rolled hems for the sleeves and neck!

And sew it up with a zigzag stitch in light purple thread!
So many safety pins.

The rest of the bottom/skirt-bit needed rolled hems as well!

The gathered material needed to be hand-sewn, as it was too thick for my  machine.
Very talented one-handed seamstress.

After that it was just two quick straight-stitches for the side seams, and . . .

This tunic is really comfy, silky, and very unique! I failed to take a good picture of the gathered side, but I'll have to do that soon!

So far, two refashions out of one dress - and there's material left still! What shall I do next? ;)
'Til next time! <3

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