Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Refashion your work space!

You may have noticed from reading this blog that I'm not a perfectionist. Not even a little bit. 
I can tend towards being a bit slap-dash.
My motto is "It'll be fiiiiine!"

Unfortunately, this seeps over into our living and work space. Oops.
This is fine . . . right? Right, honey?

My sewing table (and scraps, sewing box, stuff to refashion, etc.) is all stuffed in the corner of our bedroom. My incredibly patient husband has not said ONE WORD about cleaning or organizing any of this mess!
I tend to organize in piles. I know where it is, so that's what matters, right?

But this nonsense has gone on long enough. If you look closely at that picture, you can see that I've actually got three (yes, three) projects all piled by the sewing machine. That box is absolutely overflowing with clothes to refashion, and it's stacked right on top of all my scraps, which are stacked on top of the sewing machine's box.

Well, blessings upon blessings, we were picking up a bookcase someone was giving away, and she also had some other things free for the taking. There was a . . . what do you call a bookcase for CDs? A CDcase? Tower de CDs?
There was one of those. And I thought, "YES! I can finally organize all that junk!"

It didn't fit in the car. But then Fabulous Husband made it work by rolling down the window and sticking it partially out, so it could juuust fit! Yay!

So today I turned several fans on, all pointing in my direction (we haven't turned on our AC yet.... >_>), and got to work. And here is the end result!


I feel like I can breathe now! The extra projects are hanging neatly in the closet (and the box to be refashioned is stacked in there). I'm going to try to only work on one thing at a time until it's FINISHED. I hear that's a popular way to do things . . .


. . . Now I just have to keep it this way. :P


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