Monday, June 24, 2013

HopeCycle Refashions: Why Bother?

HopeCycle Refashions has been in operation for about 4 months now (woohoo! Go us!), with a bunch of items in the etsy store ready to be sold, and plenty more items in the creation stage!

Items like this fabulous skirt and string scarf!

But there's a problem. I'm not creating these to make money for myself. I'm creating them so that their profit can be donated to charities, for a very worthy cause! So there's two sides to HopeCycle; mine and yours!

But why should you bother to buy anything from HopeCycle? If you wanted to donate your hard-earned money to fight Sex Trafficking in America, why not just donate straight to the charities, instead of going through HopeCycle?

Well, you could do that. In fact, go ahead! More power to you!

Buuuuuuut . . . . 
Will you?
Or is it helpful to have an incentive - like getting a fun, wearable product back in return?
Like this super cute top? $20!
Or these fabulous and fierce pants? $20!
Or this incredibly classy skirt? $35!

Or maybe you don't care one way or the other about donating money right now. Maybe you just like shopping online!

So let's talk, shall we?

What would be a product you would be interested in? Would it be easier to buy a dress or other clothing item if there were exact measurements, rather than generic sizes? Are you just waiting for something actually in your size to come along?

I'd love to hear from you! Comment here or on facebook - let's work together to do our part in fighting Sex Trafficking in America! Every little bit counts!


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