Saturday, November 10, 2012

Jack of all trades, master of none

"Master of none" . . . that's what I'm afraid is happening to me. I am interested in so many different directions that I can sense what's coming; meager talents spread out over a wide area of interests and cultivated in none.

I consider myself an artist, but can you really be one if you aren't drawing, sketching, pushing yourself, creating things?
I enjoy writing, but in no way could be considered a 'writer'. I've never written a character sketch. I haven't finished a story (even a short story) since I was a kid - and I think it only happened once.
I love singing, but I'm not taking lessons, and I'm unwilling to wake up 3 times every night to get out of bed and practice proper breathing.
I like plants. I tend to kill them (I say this as I look at my sparse rosemary bush and half-dead succulents).
I enjoy cooking (read iliketoeat) but I don't really follow directions and we're too poor for fancy ingredients, anyway.

All this to say, I like to do stuff. But I'm not especially fabulous at any of it. Therefore, this blog has come into existence to help me with at least one of them; writing.
I have recently discovered N.D. Wilson's books (readthemnow), and in his blog he has several fantastic articles for aspiring writers. I don't even know if I am an aspiring writer, but I felt challenged to stretch myself in that direction, mainly because I have a story/novel idea I'm working on, and I REALLY would love to finally finish a story for once in my life. And I want it to be good. And the dreamer part of me wants it to get published. One step at a time.

This blog is for me. If you enjoy reading it I AM SO HAPPY! But if nobody ever reads it, that's okay. :) I just wanted a place to write outside of my word documents.

Lord, I commit all my efforts to you. I desire to do things excellently and to grow as a person and to hone what gifts you have given me. Help all my endeavors to give you honor, for everything I have is from you and for you. Amen.

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