Monday, July 15, 2013

Black Lace Skinnies - boot-cut to skinny DIY

So when I first saw these pants, I was unimpressed. However! After this refashion, I almost want to keep them for myself!

But they started like this.
Black lace over black pants! Dated? Hmmm.

This ended up being a really simple and quick refashion! I simply put the pants on inside out, and pinned along my legs to take in the pants.
Safety pins, so I can get in and out without skewering myself!

And then I just sewed up both sides! (I didn't take a picture, because . . . they're boring. I'm sorry.)
They actually needed to be taken in all the way up, so I sewed about an inch, inch and a half all the way up from the knee. On the left side and I stopped right below the zipper.
And here's the result!

~Fancy paaaaaants!~

Higher waists are in right now, so it's a great time to raid your thrift stores for all those mom pants that need just a tad of updating!
Fancy pants in the sun!

My pet peeve is telling me I need to point out . . . notice how these are fairly fitted, yet still loose? Notice how they aren't painted on - notice how they aren't leggings??
Leggings are just opaque tights. You don't wear just tights and a shirt. Don't do it with leggings.

There, I'm done. Phew! ^^; Back to the pants!
They look good with blue!

They look good with flats!

You should really just go buy them. Right now. $20 in the Etsy store! Support the fight against Sex Trafficking in America!

Thanks! <3

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Regular A-line to Fabulous Fifties skirt!

This refashion has been in the works for a little while! Mainly because I'm a busy pumpkin. And possibly lazy. But mostly busy!

But it started out like this!
So laz - I mean busy, I didn't even model it!

It's pretty! I love that print. But it needed something more . . .
I decided to go with this pretty red!
Leftovers from this little red dress - for sale!

I then cut matching slits all the way through the skirt.
Next time I do this, I'll remember that I've got a measuring tape in the closet. But this time I just eyeballed it!

Then I cut the red material in half, and then in half again, resulting in these matching pieces!
You can tell I was doing this at night . . . blurrrry . . .

Then I had to mess around a bit to figure out how to make this work (which is what happens when you're just making stuff up. Dangerous business). I finally figured out that I had to pin it right-sides together in order to have the seams on the inside of the skirt.
Pin pin pin!

I did that all the way around, and put it through the machine!
Making sure to take the pins out as I go, so I don't break another needle . . .

So I'm sure you've figured out I'm adding pleats to this skirt! So I had to sew the pleats on the outside in order to have the seams on the inside, but then I just pulled the pleats back through the opening. But then what to do with that loose top bit? (Sorry there's no picture to explain what I mean by that - but we only sewed the sides down, so there was extra material flopping around at the top of each pleat that needed to be taken care of!)
Just sewed it to the inside hem of the waist band! Win!

Ta-Dah! From regular to retro!
Yay, pleats!

I really love the modern-but-also-fifties look of this skirt!
Too bad you can't see my shoes - they're fabulous, too. :D

And look how fun and full it is!
"I feel pretty, oh so prettyyyyy . . ."

So now you know how to add pleats to a skirt without completely deconstructing the whole thing! Hope it helps!

(Update:) This skirt has been sold, and 100% of the profits will be donated to fight Sex Trafficking in America! Hurray!

Much love! <3